The Party Has Been Crashed

America’s Democratic Party of the past supported America, the working class and the poor. That Party has been crashed.  The 1996 Democratic Platform stated:

 In 1996, America will choose the President who will lead us from the millennium which saw the birth of our nation, and into a future that has all the potential to be even greater than our magnificent past. Today’s Democratic Party is ready for that future….We want an America that gives all Americans the chance to live out their dreams and achieve their God-given potential. We want an America that is still the world’s strongest force for peace and freedom …Today’s (1996) Democratic Party is determined to renew America’s most basic bargain: Opportunity to every American, and responsibility from every American.”

These words typify what the loving, caring, and patriotic Democrats that I know, work with, go to church with and may still believe people will be ushering in to our country if they vote the Democratic ticket in 2020. 

But now, the Democratic Party strikes out “magnificent past”, freedom “to live out their dreams”, and “God” from their platform. .  

News Flash! …..One that will not be on the nightly news – the Democratic Party has been crashed and taken over by Socialist Ideologs (Sanders, Talib, AOC, Ilan Omar), Hedge Fund and Media Billionaires (Bloomberg, Steyer, Soros, Simons, Sussman and 127 more billionaires), and Tech Giant censors (Google, Twitter, Facebook). Further, while not strictly part of the Democratic party, Antifa, the militant anti-America, fascist group is commonly known and recognized as the “militant arm” of the Democratic Party.    Antifa members have violently attacked Conservative students and student groups like Turning Point USA and have attacked, protested and had canceled speakers, like Conservative Ben Shapiro, who have come to the colleges to provide a pro- America message on college campuses. Now this opportunistic hate America group, who stand for the violent overthrow of America, has participated in the looting, rioting and burning our major cities.  Antifa is not being called out or condemned by our current Democratic Party. 

Do not be fooled by the DNC rescuing and the propping up of the once moderate Joe Biden as the party standard bearer – their platform was written incorporating the radical concepts being promoted by the far left.  Joe Biden has accepted that platform and claimed that his will be the most “progressive administration” in the history of the country.   Joe Biden will be putty in the hands of the radicals who have fundamentally transformed the Democratic Party and who want to fundamentally transform America into a strong centralized state where the government controls all and our individual freedoms are curtailed.

Mainstream Media, MSNBC and CNN only present the “news” they want you to hear.  Branch out!!.  As John Stuart Mill said “He who only knows one side of a story knows little of that.”   Become aware and be aware, Democrats, Independents and those Republicans who do not like Trumps personality or tweets — the Democratic Party of old has been crashed.

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